First Mates Club
Our marketing plan?
Our guests are awesome, and awesome people have awesome friends.
If you loved your time with us, tell your friends.
...yup, that's pretty much it!

We are honored by how many of our guests sail with us year after year. We know how hard you work and how long you wait for your time off, and we are proud to have you spend your time with us. Those who have sailed with us five times receive an embroidered polo shirt and become a member of Chumley's BearCruises FIRST MATES CLUB.

Jon Ainsworth
Gary Allen
Matt Alston
Robb Amos
Eric Anderson
Jeff Andrews
Carl Angelle
Phil Archer
Phillip Armstrong
Frank Bailey
Phillip Barker
Clay Barrett
Ed Batchelder
Lawrence Bazan
Derek Bell
Kurt Bentzen
George Bergevine
David Biehl
Bruce Bishop
Nick Blea
Bob Blecher
John Blizzard
Robert Blizinsky
Stephen Bloom
Jay Bly
Micah Boe
Bruce Bogoslavsky
Jerry Boichuk
Pierre Bouchard
Wayne Bradt
Jim Brady
Afonso Bras
Heath Britt
Brian Buckley
Mike Butler
Laz Cabrera
Harry Cahill
Dr. Walter Cain III
Anthony Caswell
Daryl Cate
Scott Ciliberti
James Cobler
Mario Conte
Chris Caufield
James Cook
Ryan Cooke
Brett Corbin
Sam Cortes
Randal Cox
Chris Crider
Michael D'Augustine
James Davis
Paul DeMedeiros
James Diemand
Brad Dodson
David Doucette
Robert Dryden
Tad Dunlap
Rob Dunlap
Dan Dunn
Mikey Eastman
Jerry Edwards
Trace Eggers
Matt Elliher
Jason Elliott
James Emslander
Jerry Evans
Tom Falcone
Mark Ferrier
Mark Fiorello
Dennis Firenze
Lee Floyd
Reynald Fontaine
John Foreman
Denis Forveille
Martin Fritts
Greg Galloway
Joe Gamez
Stephen Gaunt
Noah Gehman
Gary Gendusa
Connie George
Lee Gerson
Frankie Giangregario
Tom Gibson
Harry Gilbert
Ghislain Girard
Alan Graham
David Groll
Michael Groulx
David Grumber
Kevin Haertling
Morris Hager
David Ham
Carl Harnegie
Kevin Hardy
Glynn Hartin
Josh Hawkins
Ken Haywood
Rick Hellickson
Michael Henderson
Mat Heron
Will Hildreth
Arthur Hill
Bob Higginbotham
Martin Hjelm
Bryan Hopkins
Lee Hughes
Bill Hugo
Jack Jackson-Marsh
Alvin James
Andy Janik
Matt Jester
Peter Johansson
Anthony Johnson
Matt Johnston
Matthew Johnston
Dee Jonas
Ryan Jonas
Donald Kershaw
Mike Killen
John King
Nate King
Daniel Konietzko
Nick Kuttig
Raimondo Laubinger
David LaLonde
Devin Lee
Ralph Lembo
Michael Liepe
Antonio Little
James Lombardi
Matthew Lomot III
Matthew Lucas
Lonnie Lusty
Alan Lytle
David MacKay
Russ Macomber
Frank Magliocca
Randall Magliozzi
James Magrino
Joseph Manzo
Casey Martin
Mark E. Martin
Mark S. Martin
Glynn Martin
Shawyn Mars
Alan Marsh
Walt Maselka
Jon Mathers
Jeff Mathis
Phil McCabe
Tim McCarragher
Hugh McAfee
Kevin McCarthy
James McKenney
Ben Mercer
Thomas Merrill
Hydar Mike
Will Moine
Guy Monette
Mike Morrell
Andrew Morris
Darrell Mullis
Sean Mulligan
Chris Munn
Rick Murphy
Carlos Murphy
Scott Nemetz
Randy Nerwick
Larry Glinzman
David Gold
Javier Gonzalez
Mark Goodlett
Roger Gosselin
Jeff Newman
Robb Nichols
Bill Oboczky
Jacques Oliveau
Joe Onofrietti
Arthur Page
Rick Perna
Mark Perillo
Carl Pilon
Jeff Ponnequin
Anthony Presley
Charles Randall, Jr.
Matthew Rasnake
Randy Reardon
Greg Reasor
Brian Reingardt
Paul Reinhardt
Kevin Ritzi
Ghislain Rivet
Donald Rivard
Britt Roberts
Gregg Roberts
Ronald Rodak
Claude Rodrigue
Roy Rodriguez
Thomas Rollins
Roberto Romero
Robert Rose
Micheayl Ross
Tom Rozier
Paul Ryan
Mike Sabol
Thomas Sanicola
Ben Sawyer
Steve Schmidt
Cliff Schofield
Joseph Seferian
Bob Seifert
Ken Sharp
Darren Shay
Anthony Shields
Scott Shimer
Michael Shriver
Bill Sibley
Shelby Simpson
Carl Slaton
Bill Skitt
Jay Smidt
Craig Smith
Mike Smith
Richard Smith
Gregory Smith
Bill Spera
Allen Sobus
Gregor Sorensen
Bill Spera
Gary Stayer
Daren Stratichuk
Adam Symborski
Matthew Szybillo
Gareth Taylor
Mark Thompson
Kevin Tobin
Randy Tyler
Scott Udell
Dennis Vaillancourt
Carlos Vega
Barry Walker
Joe Walker
William Walker
Frank Way
Nick Weber
Gary Wene
Bob Weiner
Warren Williams
Cary Williamson
Steven Wilson
Tim Wilson
Eddie Wirkowski
Ron Womelsdorf
Kevin Woolford
Tony Worley
Mark Worrel
Jim Yiaski
Gary Young
William Ziegler
Steve Zink
Charter Club
Those who have sailed with us ten times or more comprise our Chumley's BearCruise CHARTER CLUB.
Truly the immediate members of our Chumley's BearCruise family, these guests receive a pair of silver cuff links.

Chris Gores

Mike McCurdy

Art Hill

Anthony Johnson

Eric Anderson

Bryan Vacinek

Billy Cochran

Tad Dunlap

Tony Presley

David Biehl

Matt Johnson

Carlos Estela

Jack Jackson-Marsh

Mark Martin

Harry Cahill

Rey Fontaine

Chuck Randall

Lonny Lusty

Don Rivard

Carl Pilon

Claude Rodrigue

Carlos Harnegie

Allen Dale-Tackett

Craig Dale-Tackett

Troy Rhyan

Mark Goodlet

Bill Skitt

Ron Womelsdorf

Alan Marsh

Michaeyl Ross

Gary Young

Rick Perna

Steve Zink

Bill Obocsky

Matt Jester

With Love From...
Some wonderful comments from our guests! We think the best way to find out about our sailings is to ask our past guests themselves - clicking on some of the photos below will enable you to send a message directly and ask about their personal experience.
Jeff & Mark
I have sailed with Chumley for many years now (15 cruises and counting as of 2019!). Over the years I have met a lot of great people, both in the group and on the ships. I have never had a cruise where I haven’t had a great time and some great stories.
The last 3 cruises have been really special as I met my future husband Jeff on the first, asked him to marry me on the second, and then we had our honeymoon on the third. (We only had to travel across the country to meet in the Caribbean, which was something since we realized that we only lived 20 minutes away from each other in California!) Of course I can’t promise that you will meet your future husband on a Chumley' BearCruise, but with the record Chumley’s group has - you never know! (Princess is the original “Love Boat” after all)
I can however say that unless you are really working at it, it’s just about impossible to not have a good time with this group. Chumley and everyone working with the group go out of their way to make sure everyone is having a good time.
And if you are interested in any of the stories, just find me. Ask anyone… I like a good conversation.
Mark Martin, Sunnyvale CA
"We had sailed with Chumley’s BearCruises for
the past 5 years, and always had an amazing time.
Recently we decided to try a different
“bear cruise group”, which was not actually
only bears and from the beginning my partners and I quickly realized that it was not at all going to be
the level of service that we were used to.
We learned our lesson the hard way and are
excited to be back with Chumley and his crew.
They are there for you from beginning to end
and their attention to detail is what we
want and expect for our money and time.
You should try a Chumley’s BearCruise one time,
and I think you will see for yourself."
Afonso, Fort Lauderdale FL

Afonso, Greg & Rick
"I first discovered Chumley's BearCruises when I was going through a rough time, and really needed some fun and some friends. Chumley and his staff provided a place for me to feel welcomed and loved. To this day it has been one of the best vacation experiences in my life.
Since then I have been on a number of his sailings as well as other bear cruises, and I have to say to say that only Chumley offers the experience, quality, respect and above all else fun and love that just gets better every time. He and his staff do everything possible to ensure that your time with your fellow bears is the best possible, so you can have as much fun, laughs and the most awesome memories.
You can’t go wrong with Chumley!!! You won’t find a better vacation with any other group, or a nicer bunch of bears."
Roberto, Whittier CA
"After being part of the Chumley's BearCruise group two years in a
row we tried another bear group... in one word - disappointed!
We quickly realized that Chumley provides a level of
service, professionalism, and experience like no other.
The level of organization before and during the cruise is unparalleled.
Chumley keeps you up on what is happening ahead of time
and you can count on great service because he has
a team of experienced, friendly people there for you.
With Chumley's BearCruises you know that the money you are
spending on your vacation with a bunch of bears is going to be worth it.
You'll feel like you are being taken care of by a group of professionals and by people who are interested in making sure that you enjoy your vacation.
TRUST ME when I tell you that you are not going to get
the same for your money with other bear cruises.
We'll be back to Chumley's BearCruises soon!"
Gus, Washington D.C.
"This was my first ever cruise... and I got to spend 7 wonderful days with the greatest group of men ever! The cruise was great from day one til the very end.
The ship, crew and staff were all awesome. It was great to have everything at your finger tips - hehe - and I do mean everything! The service, the food, the entertainment, the cabin... WOW!"
Ed, Johnson City TN
"I recently returned from my very first Chumley's BearCruise ever, and I cannot tell you how amazing it was. I had seen past postings about the cruise on various apps (Growlr, bear411.com, etc.), but finally took the plunge and got on board this year as a birthday present to myself. What a wondrous and amazing adventure. The ship, food, fun, and music were spectacular. But what makes this vacation the best is the PEOPLE, hands down. From the efficient and amazing organization, to the fun and care of Ryan and Dee, to the approachability and friendliness of Chumley himself - and the awesome and amazing men on this trip. We weren’t bears, cubs, otters, foxes... we were just guys on a boat enjoying each other’s company. From the SECOND I got in line at Scandal’s in Fort Lauderdale to get my welcome kit, I felt warm, welcomed,
and absolutely treasured to be a part of this trip.
From the bottom of my soul, thank you so much for the work you and your team put into this. You have brought so much joy into so many lives, and you have a dedicated fan every year going forward. Im already booking a hotel for next year!"
Jerry, Philadelphia PA
"I just finished my 9th Chumley's BearCruise and have already pre-registered for my 10th. First, it's a vacation away from all the stresses of daily life - and I need that. Second, it's a 'bear' and friends family reunion. The connections I've made in this group are as important as any place in my life. These are people I can share a drink or meal with or visit when I'm in their hometown or when they are visiting mine. Many of these people have become the first I want to call, email or text when something special happens in my life, just as I would any family member... family is WAY more than just blood relatives. I'm proud to call this group part of my family."
Billy, Dacula GA
"Had another great and relaxing cruise with the Chumley's BearCruise group. Made new friends and reconnected with old ones. I find the trip can be as laid back or as hectic as each person likes... And I like to unwind and just really relax and meet and greet new and old friends alike."
Bruce, McAllen TX
"Chumley's group offers me a great way to relax and be around guys who are similar to myself. Those who are friendly, open minded, loveable and enjoy the company of other real men. From the first time I went on CBC I felt welcomed with open arms. I enjoy the fact there is such a mixture of guys of all ages, colors and sizes. I am yet to meet anyone who is not welcoming and friendly as part of the group. If you or you and your partner are looking for a great way to relax with the greatest group of guys I would highly encourage you to book with the Chumley's BearCruise group."
Darrel, Atlanta GA
"I was a virgin this year so the whole experience was new to me - this was not only my first bear cruise but also my first bear event ever.
I have to say that I was afraid of not fitting in since I'm not exactly a bear type guy but more of a chaser.
After the welcome meeting I knew I had nothing to be afraid of anymore - the guys I got to meet were really nice and the whole relaxed environment
around was perfect to enjoy the best vacations of my life so far.
I can see myself going back with the bears on this cruise in the future. I came back home not only relaxed but also with more friends - that's a real plus."
T.B. - Costa Rica.
Mark &
"This was our inaugural Chumley’s BearCruise – and, without a doubt, this was our favorite, most appealing vacation ever. There were many things that made this trip memorable – the itinerary, the weather, ‘the boys,’... but far and away what made this whole experience really unique and special was the level of attention to detail that Chumley and his great ‘crew’ paid to each of us.
For us, we loved that this was an open cruise – interacting with non-CBC cruisers was fun, and it’s how many of us live our non-vacation lives as well. We enjoyed the teaching moments, and frankly, the thought of a ‘seven day circuit party’ is definitely not appealing to us. And yet, thanks to the carefully crafted schedule of special events just for us (like the Saturday night registration/meet-&-greet before we sailed, the costume party, the moonlight pool party, and private CBC excursions), we had plenty of opportunities to be with ‘our own tribe’ as much as we wanted ... it was a perfect blend!
In addition to the well-thought-out special events itinerary, we were especially impressed by the fast, efficient way ‘issues’ were handled and pertinent information was provided – the itinerary change, the need to find a replacement excursion, even things like the different layout of this ship. In each case, the CBC crew was quick to iron out details, and extremely forthcoming with quick and complete information about changes, what we could expect, and encouragement to ask questions or speak with any of the staff personally, if needed. I remained impressed by Chumley’s magnanimous and professional presence throughout the entire voyage. It was very clear that he and his CBC team take the notion of responsibility very seriously. Chumley, you are the consummate host.
In closing, I can’t recall ever being part an event of this size or magnitude where I felt so well cared for. We truly felt like ‘special guests’ each and every day. Thanks, Chumley & CBC staff, for an amazing, memorable vacation."
Mark & Bruce, Tuscson AZ